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Cure Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation is infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools that persists for several weeks or longer. Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. 

Though occasional constipation is very common, some people experience chronic constipation that can interfere with their ability to go about their daily tasks. Chronic constipation may also cause excessive straining to have a bowel movement and other signs and symptoms. 

Treatment for chronic constipation depends in part on the underlying cause. However, in some cases, a cause is never found.

With Libracin Herbal Alternatives, one can put an end to Chronic Constipation

Bounty Herbal Tea helps in the removal of matters stored up in the body. If these harmful matters/waste products are allowed to accumulate in the body, health deteriorates , leading to various diseases.

Gastrointestinal infections are viral, bacterial or parasitic infections that cause gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract involving both the stomach and the small intestine. Bitters of Green Complex has been designed to solve the over listed health issues.

ALOE VERA plus BITTER ALOES-sp: ₦6,000.00

We live in an overtly taxing age and seek relief from a variety of symptoms related to this tasking lifestyle. Our bodies become physically taxed, stressed and depleted of needed energy and necessary nutrients, such as vitamin C.

Our metabolism is also affected. Many tend to turn to pure, wholesome products in an effort to deal with some of the negative elements associated with modern lifestyle.

The world have recognized the beneficial effects of Aloe Vera. Through researches, science have published proof that properly processed and stabilized Aloe Vera is an antioxidant and also, a nutritional supplement that helps improve body conditions.

Contains moringa oleifera: A highly nutritious and powerful anti-inflammatory. antioxidant and tissue-productive plant that fights radicals

It is nutried-packed with vitamins A, C and E; calcium; potassium and protein.

For order placement visit our online shop


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