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Venereal Disease: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

What is Venereal Disease?

Venereal disease is a disease that is contracted and transmitted by sexual contact, caused by microorganisms that survive on the skin or mucus membranes, or that are transmitted via semen, vaginal secretions, or blood during intercourse. The genital areas provide a moist, warm environment that is especially conducive to the proliferation of  bacteria, viruses, and yeasts, so a great many diseases can be transmitted this way, including AIDS, chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, syphilis, yeast infections, and some forms of hepatitis. Also known as a morbus venereus or sexually transmitted disease (STD).

What are the Types of Venereal Disease?

Here are key symptoms of the nine known leading kinds of sexually transmitted diseases:

  1. HIV (AIDS):  Night sweats, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, headache, swollen lymph glands, vaginal yeast infections, whitish coating on the tongue and inside of mouth (thrush), diarrhea, lung infections.
  2. CHLAMYDIA: This disease is common in women, it causes burning sensation when urinating, itching, painful intercourse, white vaginal discharge.  In men it often causes watery urethral discharge.
  3.  CANDIDIASIS: Both sexes have itching in genital area and pain when urinating.  Women:  Thick odorless vaginal discharge.  
  4.  GENITAL LARPES: Itching, banning in the genital area, discomfort during urination. A watery vaginal or urethral discharge, weeping fluid-filled eruptions on penis or in vagina.
  5.  GENITAL WARTS - Soft, growth (like cauliflower) either singly or in clusters in and around the vagina, anus, grain, penis and/or septum.
  6. PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE: Women:  Pus-filled vaginal discharge, plus fever and pain in lower region of abdomen.
  7.  TRICHONONIASIS: In women this disease causes itching and pains in vagina, foamy, greenish or yellowish, smelly discharge.  In men it causes clear urethral discharge.
  8.  GONORRHEA: Is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can infect both men and women. It can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. It is a very common infection, especially among young people ages 15 to 24 years. You get it from having sex with someone who is infected with it. Some people call it “the clap.” Gonorrhea usually causes pain and other symptoms in your genital tract, but it can also cause problems in your rectum, throat, eyes, or joints. Both men and women can get it, though men get it more often than women.

Causes of Gonorrhea

This STD comes from a bacterium called Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. Even though it’s spread through sex, a man doesn’t have to ejaculate in order to pass it on to his partner.
You can get gonorrhea from any kind of sexual contact, including:

  • Vaginal intercourse
  • Anal intercourse
  • Oral intercourse (both giving and receiving)

As with other germs, you can get the bacterium that causes gonorrhea just from touching an infected area on another person. If you come into contact with the penis, vagina, mouth, or anus of someone carrying this bacterium, you can get gonorrhea.

These germs can’t live for more than a few seconds outside the body, so you can’t get this STD by touching objects like toilet seats or clothes. But women who have gonorrhea can pass the disease on to their baby during a vaginal delivery. Babies born by C-section can’t get it from their mother.


In women, no symptoms may ever appear when they do; there may be vaginal discharge, frequent and painful urination, abnormal menstrual flow, acute inflammation in the pelvic area, and itching all over. Symptoms generally appear 7 to 14 days after sexual contact.

In men, symptoms are generally present (including difficult and painful urination, a yellow discharge of pus and mucus from the penis) symptoms appear 2-14 days after contact.

In women this disease causes vaginal itching, frequent and painful urination, and a cloudy vaginal discharge, abnormal uterine bleeding.

In men; It causes yellowish, pus-filled urethral discharge, very often both sexes (especially in women) there are no symptoms.

Gonorrhea Prevention

The only sure way to keep from getting gonorrhea is not to have sex. You also have a lower risk if you’re in a long-term sexual relationship with only one person and you’re their only partner. You can reduce your chances of getting gonorrhea by practicing safe sex, and by getting regular screenings.

Natural Remedies

Click HERE to ORDER our Herbal Alternatives to treating Venereal Diseases
Place an order and get it instantly at your door step within 1-3days, upon confirmation of payment alert. Need more inquiries Email: 

Your Good Health Is Always Our Concern!


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