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Premature Ejaculation: do you know why?

Hey there!

I'm here to tell you what might just be causing that premature ejaculation you've being having, or maybe someone you know has been having. But before we go in to that, lets have a background study:

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. Estimates vary, but as many as 1 out of 3 men say they experience this problem at some time.

You might be diagnosed with premature ejaculation if you:

  1. Always or nearly always ejaculate within one minute of penetration
  2. Are unable to delay ejaculation during intercourse all or nearly all of the time
  3. Feel distressed and frustrated, and tend to avoid sexual intimacy as a result
So now that we have known a little about this, I'm sure you (or someone you know) might be saying, 'so how did I get it, my father used to last one hour in bed and my grandfather could go a full day of sex. What then is my problem?' 

This then brings us to the causes. The cause could either be psychological or biological (don't worry, I'm about to break down the big grammar).


This has to do with your brain, your thoughts, your perceptions. Some of the caused we have under here are:

1. Early sexual experiences: with the way the world is, we have been programmed that men cannot be sexually abused and can never have a bad sexual experience but recent studies are showing it is a lie. A man who was sexually abused, forced into sex, had a very bad 'first time sex' could develop his thinking to register sex has a bad thing such that whenever he finds himself in the act, he ends up being unable to perform.

2. Poor body image: have you ever looked at the mirror and thought, 'if only my tummy was flatter', 'if only my penis was bigger', 'if only...' You have? Well, you are not just the only one. Some men have such poor body image of themselves it actually affects their sexual lives. How? Imagine having sex with your lady and you are thinking, 'what if my D isnt big enough for her?' You would find yourself pouring out your seed even before you are in. Afterall, being able to last long in bed requires a certain amount of being focused (ask your friend, he knows).

There are many other psychologic problems such as

- anxiety
- depression
- feeling guilty over your former premature ejaculations
-  having problems with your spouse (yes, this can cause premature ejaculation)

Having concluded with the psychological aspect, we move on to the biological aspect. Be warned, you are about to hear a lot of medical terms, but I'll do well to simplify for you :)


When we talk about biological causes, we mean your body's mechanism, the physiology of your body system, the ... (I'm I going too far? Okay. I'm back!). Some of these biological causes are:

1. Hormonal imbalance: Hormones are more or less like the triggers of various processes in the body. For a man, the major hormones for ejaculation are Testosterone and the thyroid stimulating hormone. (Some researchers may add Prolactin). Testosterone is the central hormone in male sexual function. Low testosterone levels can lead to a decreased libido, and erectile dysfunction which in turn causes premature ejaculation. Increased thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can cause and/or contribute to premature ejaculation. All these names doesnt necessarily relate to you but they relate to your doctor when he does a test on you. And yes, you can correct the levels of these hormones with a good diet and some drugs.

2. Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters: The signals directing your brain and spinal cord are chemicals called “neurotransmitters”. All of these neurotransmitters can affect ejaculation. However, the two thought to have the most effect on ejaculation are serotonin and dopamine. Evidence suggests that Serotonin is the main neurotransmitter regulating ejaculation and that Serotonin’s effect is to delay ejaculation. Dopamine, the second most important neurotransmitter regulating ejaculation, seems to have the opposite effect. Increasing dopamine has a promoting effect on ejaculation, making it occur with a lower threshold and thus more quickly.

Other biological causes are: 

- Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra
- Inherited traits (yes, you can get it from your father or his father or his father's father, or his...)


Since you have known the causes, what is the way forward?

Ninety-five percent of men are helped by behavioral techniques that help control ejaculation.

Stop and start: You or your partner stimulate your penis until your feel like you’re going to have an orgasm. Stop the arousal for about 30 seconds or until the feeling passes. Start the stimulation again and repeat three or four more times before you actually ejaculate.

The Squeeze: It works the same way as the start and stop method. But, when you feel like you’re reaching orgasm, you or your partner squeezes the head of your penis until you lose the erection. Repeat this a few times before ejaculating.

Some men find that if they think of something else during sex they can last longer.


Drugs should aim at increasing your hormone levels, reducing stress, or improving your brain chemicals. I would advice the use of Mascum Herbal Pride as its herbal ingredients aim at improving your hormonal levels and brain chemicals. And its herbal constituents leave no room for side effects as its as natural as the air you breath.

For more inquiries, contact: 09065449561

Thanks!! Ciao!!!


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