Stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds, or when there's a blockage in the blood supply to the brain. After a long period without oxygen, brain cells and tissues become damaged and begin to die within minutes.
What Causes Stroke?
According to WebMD, one major factor in what causes a stroke is tobacco. Smoking and chewing tobacco have been shown to increase your chances of having a stroke. Nicotine can make your blood pressure go up while cigarette smoke thickens the blood and the thickened blood is more likely to clot thus contributing to what causes a stroke.
MedicineNet recommends eating a healthy diet to prevent issues on what a causes a stroke. It’s no secret that eating healthy such as fruits and vegetables can play vital roles in daily functioning.
Another major factor according to WebMD related to issue number 2 is if you are overweight. You can essentially lower your odds of having a stroke by engaging in some type of exercise. Exercise such as cardio can help reduce your chances of having a stroke.
Medication is also on the list of what causes a stroke. WebMD cites, “that blooding-thinning drugs, which doctors suggest to prevent blood clots can sometimes make a stroke more likely through bleeding”.
Last but not least on what causes a stroke according to WebMD is high blood pressure. WebMD actually cited this as the biggest cause of strokes. Finding ways reduce your blood pressure can help you reduce the chance of having another stroke.
In conclusion, knowing what causes a stroke can help you or your loved one to prevent a stroke from occurring. Strokes can be life altering and knowing what a causes a stroke can help prevent one from occurring.
Stroke symptoms can include:
- Paralysis
- Numbness or weakness in the arm, face and leg especially on one side of the body.
- Trouble speaking or understanding speech.
- Severe and sudden headache with an unknown cause.
- Vision problems, such as trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
- Loss of balance and and coordination.
Prompt treatment is key to prevent the following outcomes:
- Brain damage
- Long-term disability
- Death
Stroke is a critical condition but it can be cured. As nutritionists, we recommend certain food supplements to patients to correct the imbalances in the body system completely, and people are sharing their testimonies every time.
For consultation, you can reach us on this number: +2349065449561 or email
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