If your blood pressure is optimal, this is great news. But if it's not, do normalize it with daily dose of NUTRI-CARE HERBAL TABLET. It's good for fast result no additive.
A bottle contains 50 tablets with 500mg per pill. Intake: 2 pills 2 times daily. NAFDAC Reg. No: A7-2358L.
What Causes High Blood Pressure? It's a good question we should ask ourselves occasionally so as to avoid such... Read below:
The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known, but several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, such include:
- Smoking
- Being overweight or obese
- Lack of physical activity
- Too much salt in the diet
- Too much alcohol consumption (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
- Stress
- Older age
- Genetics
- Family history of high blood pressure
- Chronic kidney disease
- Adrenal and thyroid disorders
- Sleep apnea etc.
Nutri-Care takes care of the aforementioned. Place an order and have it instantly at your doorstep within 1- 4 working days. See below steps for direct order:
Product Cost & Delivery:
Nutri-care Herbal Tablet #8,000 per Bottle,
Delivery Charge Based On Location
With +2349065449561 Text in “1 NUTRI-CARE BOTTLE”, your Full Name, Valid Address with L.G.A, 2Phone numbers & credit our Corporate Account:
Bank Name: First Bank Nig. Plc,
Beneficiary Name: Libracin Natural Medicine Ind. Ltd.
A/c No: 2008412137
Need more info. Call/Whatsapp +2349065449561
Email: editor@libracin.com
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