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Medicinal Benefits Of Aloe Vera

We live in an overtly taxing age and seek relief from a variety of symptoms related to this tasking lifestyle. Our bodies become physically taxed, stressed and depleted of needed energy and necessary nutrients, such as vitamin C. 

Our metabolism is also affected. Many tend to turn to pure, wholesome products in an effort to deal with some of the negative elements associated with modern lifestyle. 

The world has recognized the beneficial effects of Aloe Vera. Through researches, science have published proof that properly processed and stabilized Aloe Vera is an antioxidant and also, a nutritional supplement that helps improve body conditions. 

Contains Moringa Oleifera: A highly nutritious and powerful anti-inflammatory. Antioxidant and tissue-productive plant that fights radicals 

It is nutrient-packed with vitamins A, C and E; calcium; potassium and protein.

  1. Serves as antioxidant 
  2. Contains Moringa: A rich source of vitamins, amino acids and protein. 
  3. Laxative for Digestive Track: Anthraquinones present. 
  4. Aloe Vera increases heals various gastrointestinal conditions such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcer etc. 
  5. Anti-viral & Anti-inflammatory: It’s Anthraquinone aloin inactivates carious enveloped viruses such as herpes and influenza. Improves fertility and body conditions and also beneficial to arthritic patients, skin and connective tissue tumors. 
  6. Strengthen Immune System: Rich in vitamins, it is capable of inhibiting the release of reactive oxygen free radicals from activated human neutrophils that can cause cancer. 
  7. Diabetes: Aloe Vera helps in lowering high blood sugar levels.
  8. Cancer Prevention: Taking Aloe Vera may help prevent some types of cancer. 

Adults: 2 tablets two times daily.
Children 12 years and above: 1 tablet two times daily. 

This product is sold for #6,000 naira and $25USD, we ship worldwide 

Place your order for your premium pack of Aloe Vera plus Bitter Aloes pill via our official website @


Contact us @
Tel./Whatsapp: +2349065449561 (hotlines)


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