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Showing posts from September, 2017

Ever notice that it's kind of tough to go pee right after sex?

Sex releases hormones that prevent you from peeing.  Ever notice that it's kind of tough to go pee right after sex? Your body releases an anti-diuretic hormone when you orgasm, which prohibits you from going potty as easily as usual.  Just don't hold it for too long, or you could risk infection. In case you have an infection already, we at  # Libracin  have developed natural herbal remedies to help treat such infections as gonorrhea, syphilis, staph, vaginal wart, vaginal herpes and other forms of venereal diseases. We have many ranges of herbal remedies like Libracin Herbal Pill Bounty Herbal Tea Stage-A Herbal Tea Nutrishield   Herbal Extract Phyto Bliss   Herbal   Tea For inquiries and order placement,  Call/Whatsapp: 09065449561 Email: w We Offer Nationwide Payment. We deliver to you to your Door Step

It's Worth The Sting: Libracin Royal Bee Honey

Libracin Bee Honey is a certified original honey full with natural nutrient that contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease. Recent research shows that “Honey Treatment” may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. Honey is used as nutritional supplement. HEALTH BENEFITS OF HONEY: Prevent cancer and heart disease, Reduce cough and throat irritation, Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,   Blood sugar regulation, Increase athletic performance, Heal wounds and burns, Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders Strengthen the immune system, Keep Skin healthy & attractive always.  Efficacy:  100% Natural! Delivery: For instant purchase & delivery visit our online shop: our agent shall contact you & deliver your parcel to your door step within 1-3 working days via Courier Service.


You mustn't look like an old hag because you just gave birth. Regain your youthful shape and alluring size by burning down massive body weight gathered during Pregnancy.  This can be done using #libracinnaturalmedicine "QUEEK TRIIM HERBAL TEA"  It provides a thorough cleansing and reduction of body fat of accumulated fatty waste in the body and removes fixed abdominal masses.  Read more about the Product via #QueekTriim #Herbalsupplement #NaturalMedicine #herbs #naturalremedies #herbaltea #greentea

New Effective Herbal Remedy For Ulcers

I have goodnews for you. A daily intake of Libracin Herbal Medicine Ind. Ltd. Neem Tea plus Vernonia Bitters protects your from developing gastric and duodenal ulcers.  Neem Tea plus Vernonia Bitters  is also an effective herbal remedy for acid formation elimination.  Also, Neem Tea plus Vernonia Bitters is tradionaly used to treat malaria and typhoid conditions.  Don’t forget your regular dose of Neem Tea plus Vernonia Bitters for effective results! Visit our online shop at for instant order placement and delivery.  We ship to door step worldwide within 1 to 4 working days. More inquiries: +2348038920771

Eliminate Excess Abdominal Fat With Queek Triim Herbal Tea

An abdominal mass is any localized enlargement or accumulation of fat in the human abdominal region. Most abdominal masses are discovered incidentally during routine physical examination. Abdominal masses are mostly associated with pain and or digestive problems. Just how much body fat should be lost to achieve the kind of definition that accentuates the separation between muscle groups and highlights that all important abdominal area? It really depends on one’s goal and commitment to healthy eating. Our unique complete natural approach to the formula optimizes our medicine’s ability to reduce body fat. * Removes fixed abdominal masses. * Heals obesity. * Treats painful blood stasis in the uterus. * Eliminates fibroid and other hard lumps in the lower abdomen. * Reduces painful mensuration. 100% natural ingredients with no side effects. Herbal formula contains no chemical products. For inquiries and orde...

Fibroid: Definition, Types, Causes and 7 Natural Remedies

What Is Fibroid Fibroid is a non-cancerous (benign) tumors that grow from the muscle layers of the uterus (womb). They are also known as uterine fibroids, leiomyomas, or myomas. Fibroids are growths of smooth muscle, and can vary from the size of a bean to as large as a melon.  Fibroids affect at least 20 percent of all women at some point in their life. Women of reproductive age are the most likely to develop them. Also, overweight and obese women have a significantly higher risk of developing fibroids, compared with women of normal weight.  Types of Fibroid  There are four types of fibroids, characterized by their location in the uterus:  Intramural Fibroids: located in the wall of the uterus, this is the most common type. Subserosal Fibroids: located outside the all of the uterus but underneath the tissue layer that surrounds the uterus. They can develop into pedunculated fibroids (stalks) and become quite large.  Submucosal Fibroids: loca...

Menstrual Problems: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

What Are Menstrual Problems? This is known as abnormal flow of blood from the uterus. There are different menstrual disorder like painful menstruation, heavy flow of menstruation, black flow of menstruation, scanty menstruation flow, irregular menstruation flow, absence of menstruation and bleeding between periods.  Types Of Menstrual Problems: Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual problem that induces severe cramps and pain during menstruation. Underlying problems like endometriosis or fibroids are sometimes present, and add to the discomfort.  Amenorrhea is a more serious menstrual problem as it is the delayed onset of menstruation in young girls.  Menorrhea: Sometimes, women who have had regular menstruation suddenly miss their period for two to three months – this is called menorrhea. There could be just one cause for menorrhea or there could be a combination of causes including pregnancy, an imbalance in hormones, or physiological deformities in the reprod...

Venereal Disease: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

What is Venereal Disease? Venereal disease is a disease that is contracted and transmitted by sexual contact, caused by microorganisms that survive on the skin or mucus membranes, or that are transmitted via semen, vaginal secretions, or blood during intercourse. The genital areas provide a moist, warm environment that is especially conducive to the proliferation of  bacteria, viruses, and yeasts, so a great many diseases can be transmitted this way, including AIDS, chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, syphilis, yeast infections, and some forms of hepatitis. Also known as a morbus venereus or sexually transmitted disease (STD). What are the Types of Venereal Disease? Here are key symptoms of the nine known leading kinds of sexually transmitted diseases: HIV (AIDS):  Night sweats, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, headache, swollen lymph glands, vaginal yeast infections, whitish coating on the tongue and inside of mouth (thrush), diarrhea, lung infections. CHLAM...

The WORST case is no case with the RIGHT Herbal Supplement

The WORST case is no case with the RIGHT Herbal Supplement. No sickness is incurable. Fortunately, nature has rich herbs that can help renew our health if well administered when necessary. Fruits, vegetables, and most natural foods are both food and medicine. At Libracin , we have carried out expert research and brewed healthy 100% herbal supplement for virtually most diseases that affect human healthy living.  The choice now is yours. Do you desire healthy life and long lasting wellness? Use Libracin Herbal Medicine today and RECLAIM your HEALTH #HerbalMedicine #NaturalSupplement #LibracinNaturalMedicine #Libracin #HealthIsWealth #Wellness